Expert Negotiating Tools, Tactics and Strategies to Create Winning Deals – 10/01/11

CT REIA and Don DeRosa presents:
Expert Negotiating Tools, Tactics and Strategies to Create Winning Deals

Don DeRosaOctober 1, 2011 – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Four Points Sheraton. 275 Research Parkway. Meriden, CT

$29 for CT REIA Members | $49 for not-yet-members
Learn more and register at

* Free Added Bonus For All Attendees *
Deal Structuring online course (6 hours) – taking leads and figuring out how to make a deal out of them, combining buying and exit strategies.

In order to become a successful in life – especially as a real estate investor – you must master the art of negotiating.

Don DeRosa will show you that artful negotiating – in any area of your life – is really just coming to agreement so that each party feels like a winner.

Join Don on October 1, 2011 as he shares his state-of-the-art tools, plus the tactics and strategies he uses in every deal. And he’ll share details of deals he’s done this year, so you can see that they really work… in the real world, in this market.

Here’s just a sample of the things you’ll learn, so you can buy houses with big built-in profits and leave your seller smiling:

* The Five things EVERY negotiator must know to be successful
* How to prescreen a seller to find out what they really want, and what they really need
* Why building rapport is the most important thing you can learn – and how to do it!
* Why you should always ask for more than you expect to get!
* Why you never want a “yes” on your first offer!
* How to effectively overcome objections
* How to know exactly what to offer before you meet the seller
* How to creatively structure your deals so both sides win
* How to set up your competition so the buyer wants to work with you
* Don will also share, in detail, the tools he uses to determine whether a deal is worth going after. And he’ll tell you exactly how he uses his tools – both when evaluating the deal, and when sitting at the table with the seller, and even when meeting with his private lender.

Real Estate Investing In Multi-family Dwellings Makes Good Sense

Article by Dave Lindahl

There always has to be a good reason for doing something and that reason has to be grounded in logic. It is with this approach that I will now take you through the benefits of investing in multi-family dwellings.

Let’s take things from the beginning. I own over 7,000 apartments in more states than I care to remember and yet I do not see a single tenant and do not deal with a single occupancy problem. How have I managed that? Well, it’s simple. Multi-family dwellings spread the risks of investing in real estate by increasing profits through multiple rather than one family renting one property. By grouping your investment together like this you spread the risk involved in empty properties. While one property remains empty others are bringing you money… (read the full article)

Multi-family Dwellings Are A Risk-averse Real Estate Investment Strategy

Article by Dave Lindahl

Real estate investment is, by nature, a risk-laden business which is why those who succeed are often adept at quickly assessing and minimising the risks involved in order to close deals fast and make more money in a shorter time.

I can go on for some time about the theory of risk-management and the basics of minimising risk in real estate investment but I will, instead, cut to the chase and say instead that if you are serious about minimising risk in your real estate investing activities you should focus on multi-family dwellings instead of single-family ones.

The reasoning is pretty straightforward: with a single-family property should the tenant’s personal circumstances change you may well find yourself missing out on a couple of months of income which is enough to wipe out your profit from that property for the year… (read the full article)

Investing In Emerging Real Estate Markets In The US

Article by Dave Lindahl

Most new investors, and plenty of more experienced ones too, like to stick to what – and where – they know when it comes to investing their hard-earned cash in equities. This is a natural enough reaction from people who are asked to take a risk with their investments on a daily, almost, basis.

Emerging markets are markets which are in the grip of a sudden growth spurt (like, for instance, Austin, Texas) or are in receipt of government incentives which help spur growth.

The savvy real estate investor is able to understand what makes an emerging market attractive by studying the signs right from the start. He then gets in early, identifies the opportunities in multi-family real estate properties he should be investing in and makes the maximum amount of money in the shortest time possible. It really is that simple… (read the full article)

How To Make A Fortune Investing In Multi-Family Real Estate

Article by Dave LIndahl

We’ve all heard the dictum about the dangers and risks associated with putting all our eggs in one basket so many times that you would think when it came to real estate investment few sane people would want to place all their investment in a single-Family property.

Yet many of the people I meet in the courses I run have exactly this kind of approach which shows, perhaps, just how powerful market conditioning can be. Most of the real estate moguls we get to hear about tend to be single-Family property types (with the exception perhaps of Donald Trump who has taken the eggs in the basket dictum very much into account in everything he has done) and this tends to brainwash us into thinking that either this is the only type of real estate investment available to us or that this is the only type of real estate investment there is… (read the full article)

3 Questions To Spot Good Real Estate Deals

Analysis paralysis: one of the biggest blocks of successful investing. That’s when you stumble into a good deal, then stop dead in your tracks. You worry about the decision but never do anything. In my first six months of investing, I looked at hundreds of great deals and froze. How did I know it was a good deal? How did I know I could make money? If I made an offer, I was scared I might have gotten the deal… and then what?

To overcome analysis paralysis, (1) get lots of information and (2) make sure you have a really good deal (because even if it’s not as good as you think, you still have a margin of error to work with). If I told you the exact cards that will come out on the blackjack table, without a doubt, you would play them because you have information about what will happen. When you gather lots of meaningful information, this also can be true in real estate investing…

(click here for full article)