Women Real Estate Investors Association July 2011 Meeting

Women Real Estate Investors Association Meeting
July 26, 2011 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Violi’s Restaurant. 688 Westfield Road. Meriden, CT

$25 for WREIA and CT REIA Members | $30 for non-members (All prices include dinner)

Register by July 20th to receive a Free Copy of “Success Is Your Birthright”.
Register and learn more at http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=350

Say Yes To Success. Join us and learn how to use powerful tools to define, create and enjoy your success.

Guest Speaker Kim Kasparian Will Teach You:
* How to Set Yourself Up for Success
* Live in Your Personal Power
* Release that One Thing that Stops You from Taking Action
* How to turn the “Negative Nay-sayers” in your life into “Raving Fans”
* Be Who You Are in Business and Still Make Money
* How to Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities

Guest Speaker Laura Treonze Will Teach You:
* How to develop the mindset of a Millionaire Investor
* How to establish sound criteria for indentifying great invest opportunities
* Proven models to help you build your investment portfolio

Real Estate Investing In Multi-family Dwellings Makes Good Sense

Article by Dave Lindahl

There always has to be a good reason for doing something and that reason has to be grounded in logic. It is with this approach that I will now take you through the benefits of investing in multi-family dwellings.

Let’s take things from the beginning. I own over 7,000 apartments in more states than I care to remember and yet I do not see a single tenant and do not deal with a single occupancy problem. How have I managed that? Well, it’s simple. Multi-family dwellings spread the risks of investing in real estate by increasing profits through multiple rather than one family renting one property. By grouping your investment together like this you spread the risk involved in empty properties. While one property remains empty others are bringing you money… (read the full article)

Multi-family Dwellings Are A Risk-averse Real Estate Investment Strategy

Article by Dave Lindahl

Real estate investment is, by nature, a risk-laden business which is why those who succeed are often adept at quickly assessing and minimising the risks involved in order to close deals fast and make more money in a shorter time.

I can go on for some time about the theory of risk-management and the basics of minimising risk in real estate investment but I will, instead, cut to the chase and say instead that if you are serious about minimising risk in your real estate investing activities you should focus on multi-family dwellings instead of single-family ones.

The reasoning is pretty straightforward: with a single-family property should the tenant’s personal circumstances change you may well find yourself missing out on a couple of months of income which is enough to wipe out your profit from that property for the year… (read the full article)

Investing In Emerging Real Estate Markets In The US

Article by Dave Lindahl

Most new investors, and plenty of more experienced ones too, like to stick to what – and where – they know when it comes to investing their hard-earned cash in equities. This is a natural enough reaction from people who are asked to take a risk with their investments on a daily, almost, basis.

Emerging markets are markets which are in the grip of a sudden growth spurt (like, for instance, Austin, Texas) or are in receipt of government incentives which help spur growth.

The savvy real estate investor is able to understand what makes an emerging market attractive by studying the signs right from the start. He then gets in early, identifies the opportunities in multi-family real estate properties he should be investing in and makes the maximum amount of money in the shortest time possible. It really is that simple… (read the full article)

How To Make A Fortune Investing In Multi-Family Real Estate

Article by Dave LIndahl

We’ve all heard the dictum about the dangers and risks associated with putting all our eggs in one basket so many times that you would think when it came to real estate investment few sane people would want to place all their investment in a single-Family property.

Yet many of the people I meet in the courses I run have exactly this kind of approach which shows, perhaps, just how powerful market conditioning can be. Most of the real estate moguls we get to hear about tend to be single-Family property types (with the exception perhaps of Donald Trump who has taken the eggs in the basket dictum very much into account in everything he has done) and this tends to brainwash us into thinking that either this is the only type of real estate investment available to us or that this is the only type of real estate investment there is… (read the full article)

Robert Shemin April 2011 All-Day Seminar – How Come That Idiot’s Rich And I’m Not

CT REIA and Robert Shemin presents:
How Come That Idiot’s Rich And I’m Not?

Robert SheminApril 16, 2011. 9:00am to 4:30pm
Crowne Plaza Hotel. 100 Berlin Road. Cromwell, CT
$39 for CT REIA Members | $59 for not-yet-members

Learn more about this event at http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=338

You and your team have the rare opportunity to spend an entire day with one of the world’s most expensive and successful wealth and investing coaches, Robert Shemin.

Robert Shemin, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and NPR wealth and real estate expert and author of 13 Best Selling books, has agreed to show you and other CT REIA member’s what will make you a fortune in today’s market.

Many successful people including investors, business owners, politicians, rock stars and entrepreneurs have spent tens of thousands of dollars for a few hours of Robert Shemin’s quantum wealth creation strategies. CT REIA has hired him for your benefit for the entire day!