2009/09/21 :: CT REIA Monthly Meeting with Lou Brown – Grant Money Secrets to Selling Fast

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Grant Money Secrets for Selling Fast

Guest Speaker: Lou Brown

Thanks to the “stimulus package” and other, little known grant money, it’s EASY to turn just about anybody into a buyer with a fistful of cash—even when they think they’re “broke”!

Lou Brown and his students have been using these methods to sell houses in days—not weeks or months—and collect big down payments straight from the government. In fact, Lou has collected over $100,000 this year from this “Limited time” opportunity, and is now ready to show you how to do the same.

You’ll find out:

  • How to collect big checks from buyers before they even buy — and how to guide your prospects through this process, ’cause THEY don’t even
    know About it
  • How to get access to government grants that your competition hasn’t even heard of
  • How to get massive, passive income AND cash upfront, with no management hassles or ownership responsibilities

Louis Brown is a 30+ year veteran of the real estate business, and has done commercial, residential, and paper deals. He lives and works in Atlanta, Ga.

Be sure and register now! See you there!

About Louis “Lou” Brown

Students in all fifty states have long regarded the training, systems and forms created by Louis Brown as the best in the industry, across Canada and ten foreign countries including as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Quoted as an expert by many publications and authors, “Lou” draws from a wide and varied background as a real estate investor having been buying property since 1977. He’s invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels, developed subdivisions and built and renovated homes and apartments. Each of these experiences has given him a proving ground for the most cutting edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today. He’s widely known as a creative financing genius with his deal structuring concepts. Being a teacher at heart he enjoys sharing his discoveries with others. He has served the industry in many volunteer positions such as past President and designated lifetime member of the Georgia Real Estate Investors Association, the world’s largest investor group with over 3,200 members. He was also founding President of the National Real Estate Investors Association, which serves as the umbrella association of local investor groups. Husband, Father, Author, Lecturer, Inventor, Investor, Builder, Designer, and Real Estate Expert are all descriptions of this exciting trainer.